Easy Fast Track Registration Form


Personal Information
Company Information
Upload Company Documents
Personal Information
Please Provide us with the following:
  1. Copy of you Green Identity Document or Passport
  2. Company registration and Vat Registration (If Applicable)
Dear Valued Customer
  1. You now have completed the registration process to get your very own COD account to trade with us via phone or email or in our Xpress Shops in Midrand, Durban and Cape Town .
  2. An email will be sent to you from our accounts department to inform you of your Account Number and Account Details once it is created. Please check your JunkMail/Spam Folder if you do not find the email from us.
  3. Please Take Note that you still do not have access to order online from our Online Ordering Site as you need to complete the Online Activation Form with the details emailed to you.
  4. Once the Online Activation Form is completed and verified your Online Ordering Account will be activated and you will be notified once it is done.

How do I become a Partner for the products that are sold by ESQUIRE?

To become an ESQUIRE Partner then firstly you must be a reseller of Computer Hardware, Software, Digital Lifestyle products and AccessoriesYou must own or be a buyer for a Stationery, Cell Phone, or General Dealer StoreThe Company purchasing must have an IT Technical Infrastructure
Click here to complete and submit the Easy Fast Track Registration Form.
Download the Application forms below:
Cash (COD)
Credit (Applicable after six (6) months of trading).

How do I qualify as a Corporate Buyer for the products that are sold by ESQUIRE?

How do I go about registering as a Partner or a Corporate Buyer ?

Do I need a VAT Registration Number in order to purchase from Esquire?

How do I go about ordering products?

What is my payment structure when I purchase from ESQUIRE?

How do I go about applying for a Credit facility?

How many branches does Esquire currently have?

Can I purchase from any of the branches countywide ?

How soon after I place my order do I get my goods?

What is the warranty policy for product that I Purchase from ESQUIRE?

What benefits do I get as a registered Partner?

What is the sales structure at ESQUIRE?

Download the Application forms below:
Cash (COD)
Credit(Applicable after six (6) months of trading).